Hello from Virginia! 🙏🏽

The spark of creativity, developing, and building has always been my compass – from the rhythm of life in the military to the quiet power of a shared prayer. Whether leading a congregation in worship or designing a website, I've always been driven by that need to express, to connect in ways that transcend words. Now, it's infused into everything I do.

Photography has become my focus, my canvas for capturing the extraordinary. It's in the soulful depth of a portrait, the vibrant story of a landscape. My years in design and music breathe life into my images – I see with an ear for rhythm, an eye for harmony. I chase unexpected details, vibrant moments, and those quiet flashes of brilliance within the ordinary.

My lens is a tool to build bridges, to amplify emotion. Whether it's documenting a journey of faith, celebrating a milestone, or crafting a visual identity that resonates – my work is about more than just images. It's about storytelling, heart, and creating something that truly moves people.